基督教青年會(Young Men's Christian Association,簡稱YMCA),於1844年創立於英國倫敦,目前是美國最大的非營利社區服務組織,並在世界上120個國家設有分會。其宗旨是通過建立健康的精神、頭腦和身體以實現基督教的準則。
其實這首歌是《Village People》(鄉民戰隊/鄉巴佬合唱團/鄉紳樂團)
這首歌的詳細歷史請見維基百科(英文):YMCA (song)
《Village People》原唱版
World of Warcraft 魔獸世界版
Naruto 火影忍者版
Gundam 剛彈(高達)版
young man, there's no need to feel down.
I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground.
I said, young man, 'cause you're in a new town
there's no need to be unhappy.
young man, there's a place you can go.
I said, young man, when you're short on your dough.
you can stay there, and I'm sure you will find
many ways to have a good time.
it's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.
it's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.
they have everything for you men to enjoy,
you can hang out with all the boys ...
it's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.
it's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.
you can get yourself cleaned, you can have a good meal,
you can do whatever you feel ...
young man, are you listening to me?
I said, young man, what do you want to be?
I said, young man, you can make real your dreams.
but you got to know this one thing!
no man does it all by himself.
I said, young man, put your pride on the shelf,
and just go there, to the y.m.c.a.
I'm sure they can help you today.
it's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.
it's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.
they have everything for you men to enjoy,
you can hang out with all the boys ...
it's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.
it's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.
you can get yourself cleaned, you can have a good meal,
you can do whatever you feel ...
young man, I was once in your shoes.
I said, I was down and out with the blues.
I felt no man cared if I were alive.
I felt the whole world was so tight ...
that's when someone came up to me,
and said, young man, take a walk up the street.
there's a place there called the y.m.c.a.
they can start you back on your way.
it's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.
it's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.
they have everything for you men to enjoy,
you can hang out with all the boys ...
y-m-c-a ... you'll find it at the y-m-c-a.
young man, young man, there's no need to feel down.
young man, young man, get yourself off the ground.
y-m-c-a ... you'll find it at the y-m-c-a.
young man, young man, are you listening to me?
young man, young man, what do you wanna be?
張貼留言 (Atom)
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我回台灣訂婚了~~!! 還跑去挑婚紗。 不過終於告一段落,接下來要準備半年後的 結婚典禮 。 婚紗也還沒拍,簡直就是 無間地獄 …… 現在的婚禮儀式跟以前不太一樣,居然還有舞台,搞得像開演唱會一樣。 最可憐的就是身為阿宅的新人,別人都是表演唱歌跳舞,我要表演什麼? 少林功夫?漫畫...
這篇是作為 留言 用的。 如果是 想建議『主題』讓我寫 想分享趣事 想問問題 對 我的新書「 超噓,男子漢! 」的感想或建議 想跟其他人亂哈啦 其他(等我想到補上) 都歡迎寫在這裡或是寄 EMAIL 給我喔~謝謝! ^_^ 超噓,男子漢!(博客來) 超噓,男子漢!(金石堂) (點...
自從菸害防治法上路以來,時不時會看到有癮君子對此大加批伐。 過年前我也就此議題,在別人BLOG的文章「 暴走的利益團體--菸害防制法 」中,有過不小篇幅的討論,以下我將整理成一篇文章貼出來。 我發現吸煙者對於此法,最不滿意的地方大概就是 為甚麼以往可以吸煙的吸煙室,現在居然變成不...
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2 則留言: